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Creamy Kimchi Onigiri

Creamy Kimchi Onigiri

i have had a longtime love onigiri — they’re such a functional snack and i’m alwaayyss down for rice. plus, this creamy kimchi onigiri uses ingredients i almost always have in my fridge — kimchi and cream cheese! this unique kimchi and cream cheese onigiri 

Creamy Smoked Salmon Pasta Recipe with Corn

Creamy Smoked Salmon Pasta Recipe with Corn

This creamy fusilli pasta recipe combines the richness of Philadelphia cream cheese with the sweetness of fresh corn and the savory flavor of smoked salmon. The pasta is cooked to perfection, then stirred with softened cream cheese and reserved starchy water to create a smooth, 

crispy smashed potatoes with smoked salmon

crispy smashed potatoes with smoked salmon

I love making crispy smashed potatoes for gatherings with friends because 1) they’re v yummy and 2) they’re just a liitttllee too much effort for me to do for myself. This version is a little ~fancy~ with creme fraiche, smoked salmon, and pickled onions. These 

nectarine and prosciutto flatbread with yuzu-y arugula

nectarine and prosciutto flatbread with yuzu-y arugula

Last weekend, we attended a stone fruit party where everyone brought a dish featuring stone fruits! We created a delicious nectarine arugula flatbread, with a garlicky olive oil base and mozzarella. It unfortunately was all gone before the boy could try it so we remade 

Savory Seaweed and Corn Scones

Savory Seaweed and Corn Scones

these seaweed-corn savory scones offer a delightful twist on the classic recipe, blending traditional ingredients with a touch of the unexpected. the summery corn kernels adds a burst of natural sweetness and a pleasant, slightly chewy contrast to the crumbly scone. the blitzed roasted seaweed 

wasabi potato salad (a twist on the classic!)

wasabi potato salad (a twist on the classic!)

i love a good potato salad but sometimes they can be a little.. one note. this weekend i walked past delica in the ferry building and saw that they had a wasabi garlic potato salad — i was v v intrigued!! unfortunately they were sold