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San Bei Ji (Three-Cup Chicken)

San Bei Ji (Three-Cup Chicken)

as someone who loves to cook, one of the best feelings is when someone enjoys something i’ve made so much that they ask for it again. that’s exactly what happened with my take on san bei ji, or three-cup chicken. i brought it over for 

Savory Oats with Eggs and Kimchi

Savory Oats with Eggs and Kimchi

Ah, my go-to savory oats. I started making this a few years ago in place of congee as I have a family history of high cholesterol and I know it’s going to get me one day!! Obviously eggs have cholesterol too but I’m claiming that 

Immune-Boosting Chinese Herbal Chicken Soup

Immune-Boosting Chinese Herbal Chicken Soup

Every week, I make a big pot of chicken soup for Mom, packed with Chinese herbs that support immunity, energy, and overall well-being. I learned this recipe from my friend Irene, a fellow cancer warrior, and it’s become a ritual. I recently shared some photos 

miso black cod

miso black cod

lately, my mom’s been dealing with some health challenges, and one of the key dietary recommendations is cutting out red meat and focusing more on omega-3 rich foods. my parents have always been big seafood fans, so i thought introducing them to sablefish from alaska 

Yunnan Grandma’s Mashed Potatoes (mashed potatoes with a kick!)

Yunnan Grandma’s Mashed Potatoes (mashed potatoes with a kick!)

the boy and i had the grandma potato salad at a restaurant recently and we absolutely loved that it was homey + comforting like the american mashed potatoes you can at thanksgiving, but also had a kick to it from the chili flakes and sichuan 

gochujang tomato soup with cheesy rice cakes

gochujang tomato soup with cheesy rice cakes

The other day, I found myself at a restaurant that served up a bunch of classic american fare — burgers, sandwiches, fries. But the one thing I really wanted was the tomato soup and grilled cheese that was only available on the kid’s menu. Idk