Stir-fried Rice Cakes (炒年糕)

Stir-fried Rice Cakes (炒年糕)

As a kid, whenever we went to a Chinese restaurant, especially a Shanghainese restaurant, we would always order stir-fried rice cakes (chao nian gao, 炒年糕) of some sort — sometimes with cabbage and other times with shepherd’s purse. Since being in New York, I haven’t 

Ratatouille Galette

Ratatouille Galette

The reason I love galettes is the same reason why I generally prefer cooking over baking: precision. Unlike cakes and cookies, the beauty of a galette is in the imperfection. A simple, flaky dough, wrapped around whatever you want your filling to be. In the 

Chinese Chive Pancakes

Chinese Chive Pancakes

Growing up, my mom would always make these pancakes when Chinese chives were in season, which they are right now. So when I was walking around Chinatown and saw them at the market, I found myself craving the pancakes she makes. Since I now live